Cape May Sports Medicine Doctors

Cape May Sports Medicine DoctorsIf you’re an athlete experiencing pain or discomfort, waste no time getting back in the game: call the Cape May sports medicine doctors at Jersey Shore Sports Medicine. We are based close to you in Somers Point, and are here to help correct your injury and manage the pain. Our physical therapists are ideal to turn to when you’re not 100% healthy.

You know full well the impact an injury can have on your game at any level. Even if it doesn’t sideline you, it can slow you down or become worse with continued activity. When you have an injury, your focus should be on proper healing and on managing the pain.

Dr. Brian Sokalsky has spent his career to providing alternative methods and treatments for athletes and caring for their overall wellness. His dedication is the reason for founding the Jersey Shore Medical Alliance, which includes sports medicine, regenerative medicine, aesthetics and wellness, weight loss, and IV hydration therapy. Our mission every day is to provide cutting edge health and wellness services to residents at the Jersey Shore.

Our Services Provided By Cape May Sports Medicine Doctors

The variety of treatment methods we offer provides you with the opportunity to choose the best course of action and more effective results. These include: 

  • Orthotics & Braces- most orthotics are broadly categorized as either accommodative or functional and each one is specially designed to provide a specific function or range of functions.
  • Musculoskeletal Ultrasound– Ultrasound guided injection helps to provide accuracy as well as injury avoidance to a nerve, tendon, or even joints.
  • Steroid Injections– often recommended for people with rheumatoid arthritis and other types of inflammatory arthritis.

As the Jersey Shore’s leader in sports medicine and non-surgical treatments, we offer superior one-on-one treatment options with the latest in advanced sports medicine therapies. To see how our clients have done using our programs, click here. You can also learn more about our tips and recommendations here.

The Cape May sports medicine doctors at Jersey Shore Sports Medicine are waiting to hear from you. Contact them here with your name, contact information, and a brief message explaining how we can help. 

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